Old Wells

Friday, June 30, 2006

That was the week that was.....

We're off on holiday on Monday but if I had any thoughts this week of being in a winding down sort of mood, God seemed to have different ideas. I have no crisis to report or dramatic stories to tell, only that people seem especially to have come our way this week who have wanted someone to listen to them.

We cannot report that dozens of people came into our hall because we don't have one but there have been so many people to meet and come alongside this week on the High Street, at school, in the prison and of course in Tesco's

There have been Mums telling us about their kids, prisoners going on about everything from the state of their hair to feeling suicidal and Alpha course participants sharing their experiences of God on the Holy Spirit day. There has been a lady talking about her upset at the injustice she had suffered, a teacher speaking of her concerns about a pupil, an divorcee seeking wisdom about how to handle a parenting dilemna, and a little boy who says that he will miss us when Kid's Club finishes for the holidays. We heard the adventures of a gentleman of the road who calls in to visit from time to time and the despair of a guy who doesn't know how to handle his guilt about some money he had stolen or his anger problem.

Tonight however, we gathered a crowd together of people whom we and our congregation have listened to and prayed for, for a while to our Friday Nite Live event. And now it was they who listened. And the thing they were quite prepared to listen to was the simple gospel proclaimed through testimony.

I like being a co-worker with God.

God bless


Ps I'm still going on holiday though. I suspect I'll find some kingdom work to do even in France but it does mean I won't be blogging for two weeks.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Isaiah 32:8

"But the noble man makes noble plans and by noble deeds he stands."

I keep getting drawn back to this verse. I have never preached on it or even really noticed it before. However it stands out, especially as I am reading the challenging "Be a hero" at the moment.

In an earlier verse (v5)Isaiah looks to a day when "No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected."

It reminded me of years ago when I was studying English Lit at School. We were doing Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and there was a discussion about which of the main characters were the most appealing. Tess, the heroine of the book was ruled out, she was too much of a victim and so was Angel, the decent and moral character. He was too wet and too boring. No, the one most of the girls in class liked the best was the unscrupulous seducer, "D'Urberville. Those in the acting profession almost always seem to prefer playing the villain. Goodness is so often depicted as bland but a person's immoral lifestyle is often described as "colourful"

But the reality is, as Isaiah points out in v 6 the ungodly person "leaves the hungry empty and from the thirsty he witholds water."

Our world needs noble men who make noble plans and who stand by noble deeds."

What I deduced from a tentative study of this verse is that the heroic and the noble Christian life cannot be lived by accident. It has to be on purpose. We must make it a priority. There is a link between noble men and noble deeds. It's noble plans.

Just some musings

God bless


Friday, June 23, 2006

Night of Prayer

Our prayer room will be well used this week-end. Two of us are praying all Friday night and people will be praying there all day Saturday until 9 pm. Please blog any prayer requests.

The last time I prayed all night was in November when I had a very profound experience of the Lord. I don't expect a repeat experience because God is creative and speaks in a variety of ways but my faith is high that he will speak and that our prayers will be effective.

God bless


Thursday, June 22, 2006


Justification brings forgiveness
Regeneration brings renewing
Sanctification brings cleansing

In regeneration sin does not reign
In sanctification it does not exist

In regeneration sin is suspended
In sanctification it is destroyed.

In regeneration irregular desires are subdued
In sanctification they are removed

Regeneration saves us from the commission of sin
Sanctification saves from the being of sin.

By Rev A.M Hills in Hoiness and Power

Is this your experience?

Can we preach this in the Salvation Army today?

What do you think?

God bless


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Holy Spirit at work today.

The Holy Spirit has been at work today in our Alpha Group as we gathered together for our Holy Spirit Away Day. The evidence of God's creativity has been all around us in the magnificent countryside of the Yorkshire Dales but also amazingly in the way in which the Holy Spirit worked in individuals as we prayed for him to come and and minister to us.
The Holy Spirit did something different and creatively in and for everyone who was there.
One lady made a first time committment to Christ, another experienced his power, another was released in prayer, another took another step in discovering faith is not about religion but personal relationship, another had a sense of being bathed in sunshine and warmth at his touch.

Among these older people God is doing a new thing and Joel 2:28 has been fulfilled again on the 21st June 2006. Hallelujah!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


This week the family of Princess Margaret has been selling off her possessions in order to make the most of their inheritance.
Our inheritance is far greater, is not taxable and is waiting to be claimed.

Here is what Andrew Murray has to say about it:

"It is indeed a solemn, precious thought God's Holy Spirit can make all God's promises and provisions in Christ our experience. Who is ready to come into this life and claim their inheritance as children of God?

Let me suggest four steps

1. Say, I must be filled with the Spirit. God commands it, my soul needs it. The Spirit longs for it, Christ will do it, the world needs and I cannot live aright without it.

2. Say, I may be filled with the Spirit. God does not say you must live holy without saying you may. God has promised it, Christ has purchased it, the word reveals it, thousands have experienced it.

3. Say, I would be filled with the Spirit. Say my heart longs for it. Begin to say, I give up everything, O God; self, sin. self-will, self confidence. the flesh; I give up everything.

4. Say I shall be filled with the Spirit. God has promised it to me and I am going to trust God for it. I give myself up fully and I claim the filling of the Holy Spirit."

Enjoying a full salvation


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Inspiration from Isaiah

This was God's word for me today from Isaiah 30 v18-21.

v 18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you, he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!
O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears he will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction you teachers will be hidden no more; with you own eyes you well see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

What can I say other than these words are true. They mirror my recent experience. I have waited upon him particularly in recent days and he has spoken to me and shown me what to do.

We've got a great God! Well you know that but it's good to say it.

In his name and for his sake


Monday, June 12, 2006

Street Collection

We had a street collection for the local work of the Salvation Army in Northallerton on Saturday. It was boiling hot and even though the streets were quieter than usual because of the World Cup we did really well.

I just ought to let you know that standing for hours with a collecting box in my hand is in my estimation on a par with doing the ironing and cleaning the oven. It really isn't my favourite way to spend my time.

But I decided I could either clock watch and look miserable all day or I could do this task for the glory of God. I chose the latter, prayed for grace and it was the easiest flag day I have ever done. I met loads of people I knew and raised more money that I usually do. Attitude and praying really do make a difference.

One thing made me smile. A girl of about 8 was given a pound, by her Gran to put into my box. She did so willingly but then as I put a Salvation Army sticker on her lapel asked me, with a puzzled look on her face, why a sticker cost a pound.

Another made me think. A little boy, again with his grandma, was dressed from head to toe as an England fan but when I asked him if he was going home to watch the match he looked at me blankly. "I don't think he really knows what it's really all for and what it's all about!" said his grandma.

And the moral of this story is.................................

God bless


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Shout hallelujah with me!

Another of our lads in the prison revealed yesterday that he has made the decision to become a Christian. His name is Martin, he is out on Friday. Please pray for him.

In His name and for His sake


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Die at your post

The Army papers arrive on our doorstep on Wednesday mornings usually just in time for me to glance at them whilst eating my breakfast. This event can be marked with interested calm, a few hallelujahs at some good news or something someone has written that inspires. Sometimes, I admit, Alan has to come in and calm my outrage down, when the letters page in the Salvationist is particularly infuriating. This week, however I was moved and challenged by the interview with Edna Williams.

She says, "Late one night, in my house on the territorial headquarters compound, the watchman came round to put out all outside lights. He told me to be quiet as there were soldiers and tanks at the gate. I put on my uniform thinking: If I'm going to be shot I want them to know who they are shooting! I knew that as a soldier of God there was no need to hide away."

Her words reminded me of William Booth'message entitled Die at your post. Here is an extract:

"Men and women who will die at their post are the very sort in demand just now in the Salvation Army and elsewhere. They are what the world needs, what we are praying for and what God wants. We are constantly told that we make the service of God and the obtaining and retaining of his favour too important and serious a thing. That we demand too much when we say that there must be no compromise, no holdng anything back, no denying him in little matters.......

Come along! No more reckoning up of what an out and out life for Jehovah down here among men will cost. Here is the altar; put all on. All has not gone on yet and you know it. And here is the secret why both the early and the latter rain have been withheld. Now let go and look out for the deluge."

Monday, June 05, 2006

Nothing to say?

I've just realised that it is a week since I did a blog. What's happened? Have I got nothing to say?

Well it did feel a bit like that as I've actually been chewing over some stuff about mission which I needed to get my head around, whilst I have been painting our kitchen a shade called "holiday!" The results of the musings will probably find their way onto the page eventually but

But apart from that there are just times when people don't need our unsolicited opinions but someone to listen to them and make a Spirit-led response. I liked that thought from Booth- Tucker which Matt Clifton quotes on Future Fire, "Find out what their thoughts are before you share yours."

It's been a week of dealing with people suffering bereavement so it has been very appropriate to do that. Alan travelled to a family funeral, we offered support to a close neighbour whose mother was tragically killed by a train, a corps member's wife died after a long illness and it has been an honour to minister to him and to his family. One of the prison lads heard the news that his girlfriend had miscarried their child.

On the other hand there have been so many times, when I've been somewhere and been prompted

Hello my name is Hayley (Carol's daughter) Hope you like the latest blog, my mum said to put that she's done a really good job on the kitchen, but I helped! Back to Mum...

Before I was so rudely interuppted with a hug and the above......There have been times when I have been prompted to say something to someone and I've plucked up the courage to speak, thinking I'm going to look a complete idiot only to find that what I thought sounded like nonsense fitted exactly into their situation. It's all about been sensitive to the Spirit I suppose and speaking when you have something to say.

God bless
