Old Wells

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lethal Weapon

I'll explain the heading in a minute.
So far we have had an excellent holy week. The singing at our Palm Sunday meeting was spine tingling. We don't have a large congregation but wow did they give My Jesus I love thee some wellie. It was much better than the musically excellent choir from St Paul's I was listening to this morning on the radio. It's Easter sunday and they had about as much passion as a wet lettuce!

Through the week we have had our Resource Centre prayer room open. It was lovingly prepared by Jo, who based it on the sayings of Jesus from the cross. Photos were taken and when I get them I will post them. This picture is the outside of our Resource Centre. As you can see its an insignificant little place but hours of prayer were offered from this little room this week that reached out around the world.

We also squeezed into the prayer room for our Good Friday meditation. The Holy Spirit ministered, as we listened to the song "Written in red" And then it was out onto the High Street for the walk of witness that Alan felt convicted to organise. He decided last year that he was going to walk down the High Street on Good Friday carrying a cross. If nobody joined him that was OK but he felt he should do it. As it happened over 80 local Christians joined in.
The cross was too big to go into the car so it had to be carried to the starting place for the march, for a short distance through pavements filled with shoppers. We tried to do this as safely as possible and no-one was bumped but at the crossing, someone said, "You want to watch what you're doing with that, it's a lethal weapon!"
And now I'm off to get ready to celebrate the fact that that lethal weapon, ended up destroying sin and Jesus alive.
We are an Easter people and hallelujah is our song!
God bless


  • What a heart warming blog Carol.

    This is frontline Christianity and though it might be small in the eyes of the world it is taking ground and hurting the devil and most importantly giving glory to God!


    Much love and prayers A

    By Blogger Andrew Bale, at 6:53 AM  

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