Old Wells

Friday, September 22, 2006

I've a few moments to blog before supper. What are the significant things that God has spoken to me about this week?

Someone who has drfited away from the Lord has been joining in fellowship with us for a couple of weeks but warned us that work will take her away very soon. I am really aware that we must not waste the opportunity we have left to really be extra alert to what God wants us to preach and to "grasp the nettle" in terms of speaking a word in season. Yet I also question this. Isn't the matter of someone's salvation always urgent given the fact than none of us know what tomorrow will bring?

Acting with authority

There was a timely word at a leaders prayer breakfast. There are some prayers that God cannot answer because there are some things God will not do for us because he has already given us what we need to deal with the situation. We want God to do this or that but God sometimes says, "No you do it with the resources I have given you." e.g forgiving someone, casting out a demon, taking each thought captive......

Christian armour
I am reading the Christian in Complete Armour by the Puritan writer William Gurnall (the modernized version) This stood out:

"Cowards never won heaven. Do not claim you are begotten of God and have his royal blood running in your veins unless you can prove your lineage by this heroic spirit: to dare to be holy in spite of men and devils. YOu should find great strength and encouragement in the knowledge that your commission is divine. God himself underwrites your battle and has appointed his own Son the captain of your salvation."

Supper awaits

God bless



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