Old Wells

Thursday, September 07, 2006

For Jesus only

Whilst we were getting ready to go off to the Dales, our daughter was watching one of those Day-time TV property programmes. It featured a couple who were buying an old church which they were going to convert into a private dwelling.

I am not usually overly sensitive about church property being sold off. To my mnd church buildings have too often become a wrong focus. Yet this really got to me. I could not help but feel saddened that this building that had been dedicated to God to be used to assist a whole community to worship and work in his name was now going to be lived in by just one couple, who although very nice people were seeking personal gain from the purchase. One of the final shots of the church was the doorway over which was inscribed, "Jesus only"

That night I had one of those powerful dreams that when you wake up you know it was significant. My dream was of a Salvation Army songster brigade, all dressed in their summer uniforms. I was leading worship but was suddenly aware that as they got up to sing, each person had fitted white linen covers over their blue epaullettes so that their S's were no longer visible. In the dream I was shocked by the action but also confused as to why they didn't just take their uniforms off and go and sing in a secular setting if they were ashamed of the dedication implied by the motto Saved to Serve on their uniforms.

In the dream my challenge was met with total surprise at my being upset. They thought their behaviour quite normal rather than ludicrous. They could not see that there was a contradiction in wanting to be called a Salvation Army songster brigade but covering up the evidence. In the dream I discerned that this Songster brigade once dedicated to God was now being used as a vehicle for pleasure and power. In turn I was deeply disturbed by how little it mattered to them that God was not being given what belonged to him and that they thought they had a perfect right to use the songsters in this way. In the dream was ended up outside praying with some children who had not yet been influenced by the attitudes within the hall.

Before I am accused of having a go at army sections, that really was not what the dream was about. It is about giving to God what truly belongs to him and seeing that as normal.

Later that day I read Isaiah 43:20 "I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland to give drink to my people muy chosen, my people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. Yet you have not called upon me O Jacob, you have not wearied yourselves for me, O Israel."

I truly believe that the battle for the Army and for the church at large in this day is a battle of consecration. Will it be "Jesus only"


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