To the tower and back
I've been to the tower this week. No not the one at Denmark Hill, although I went past it several times, but the Tower of London. I didn't get locked in for saying rude things about the monarchy which Alan was concerned I might and I kept my head.
Actually Alan, Katie and I had a great time in what is a fascinating place.
The White Tower in full of displays of armour and weaponry. One suit of armour particularly caught my eye. It was for the King's champion. Originally it was the champion's duty to ride, on a white charger, fully clad in armour, into Westminster Hall during the Coronation Ceremony. There he threw down his gauntlet and challenged any person who dared to deny the sovereign's right to the throne. It just crossed my mind as I stood in that ancient, tourist-filled hall that my life, (minus the white horse) should be a constant challenge to the evil one who denies the King of kings his right to rule.
We also went to see the amazing crown jewels. They are in a secure building, through the thickest steel doors I have ever seen, behind glass and fitted with a sophisticated alarm system. They were beautiful but inaccessible and for the exclusive use of the royal family.
As the Yeoman of the Guard didn't invite us to stay the night we went back to Katie's royal residence in Peckham. As we got off the bus, Alan commented that the guy sitting behind us had been reading his Bible for the whole journey. Now I just love that irony. The word of God is a far greater treasure than any crown or sceptre but its not under lock and key, housed in a special building. It's our there, changing the life of an ordinary bloke on a London bus. Brilliant!
God bless
I've been to the tower this week. No not the one at Denmark Hill, although I went past it several times, but the Tower of London. I didn't get locked in for saying rude things about the monarchy which Alan was concerned I might and I kept my head.
Actually Alan, Katie and I had a great time in what is a fascinating place.
The White Tower in full of displays of armour and weaponry. One suit of armour particularly caught my eye. It was for the King's champion. Originally it was the champion's duty to ride, on a white charger, fully clad in armour, into Westminster Hall during the Coronation Ceremony. There he threw down his gauntlet and challenged any person who dared to deny the sovereign's right to the throne. It just crossed my mind as I stood in that ancient, tourist-filled hall that my life, (minus the white horse) should be a constant challenge to the evil one who denies the King of kings his right to rule.
We also went to see the amazing crown jewels. They are in a secure building, through the thickest steel doors I have ever seen, behind glass and fitted with a sophisticated alarm system. They were beautiful but inaccessible and for the exclusive use of the royal family.
As the Yeoman of the Guard didn't invite us to stay the night we went back to Katie's royal residence in Peckham. As we got off the bus, Alan commented that the guy sitting behind us had been reading his Bible for the whole journey. Now I just love that irony. The word of God is a far greater treasure than any crown or sceptre but its not under lock and key, housed in a special building. It's our there, changing the life of an ordinary bloke on a London bus. Brilliant!
God bless
Welcome back. Glad you had a good holiday.
When we were kids one of our family catch phases was "there's a testimony in that somewhere".
Nowadays that could be "there's a blog entry in that somewhere".
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've added a further comment back at my place.
Heather's place, at 2:16 AM
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