Old Wells

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It's been a week sharing in good Christian fellowship. If I say it has been the right kind of Christian fellowship I hope you know what I mean. It hasn't been to moan about other people or to engage in a club activity or escape from the all the nasty stuff going on in the world. It has been faith building and empowering.
and we need that to keep up focussed and to get a God perspective back when our own outlook becomes negative or inward.

On Sunday, Alan went to Ripon, a former appointment and it was good to see folks there conintuing to faithfully serve the Lord whilst I stayed in Northallerton with our folk who sang their hearts out and listened so attentively to the word.

It has also been good to participate in the annual Hollybush Camp. Hollybush Christian Fellowship is about 3 miles down the road from us and is based on a farm. People come from all over the UK with their tents and caravans for a week. They engage in daily Bible studies and worship celebrations with a Bible thumping message and altar call. It's Pentecostal, it's loud and the music I must admit is not always to my taste but it usually results in people getting saved, filled with the Spirit or healed.
10 years ago an officer couple went to Hollybush Camp and received a vision to re-open a corps in their division that had closed its doors. This week they were there with 28 of their folk. It was so good to share with these "on fire" Salvationists and pray with them for the even greater things!

We've been up to Catterick Garrison to meet the new manager of one of the Red Shield Clubs. Again it was good to detect the passion to reach out to the lost and to do more that serve tea and sandwiches.

Last night the local Prison Fellowship group met to prayer walk around the prison. The prayers were fervant and sincere, although I was rather amused at Ernies prayer that God would bring down the walls. I think he meant spiritually! We then went back to our Prayer room. I don't know what to say except that God turns up here. It was humbling and so strengthening to be prayed for personally by the rest of the group.

Today its been Alpha and we shared openly and prayed for healing.

"Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but let us encourage one another and all the more as you seen the Day approaching." Heb 10:25

God bless



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