Old Wells

Friday, March 23, 2007

Testifying to the blessing

I recently gave my testimony at Divisional Councils. I intended to just express my thanks to God for our 23 years in the Yorkshire Division and that we were excited about what God had in store in the future. I found myself testifying to the blessing of holiness. I sat down, thinking that's really done it now because as soon as you testify to living a holy life someone is bound to be thinking, "What a hyprocrite! I bet her husband and her kids could tell a different story!

But it wasn't done in arrogance but in thankfulness. In my early years of officership I was so bound by fears and pride that my service for God was debilitated in many ways but the Lord broke the chains. I know it is possible to overcome the strongholds of sin and live in oneness with Christ on a daily basis.

Thankfully people were gracious and the comment was made that it was a long time since they had heard anyone testify along these lines. I did so in the hope that others might believe for themselves.

I have joined in a debate on holiness that is on Andrew Bale's blog, beyond the brook
The following is my contribution and how I view my daily experience:

"What an inadequate salvation anonymous suggests we have been provided with.

a) Anon says “we strive for holiness but in our broken way……”

Response: Why do so many Christians insist that salvation is through faith but holiness is down to our striving to achieve it?

b)Anon says, "We continue to struggle with sin because sin, the brokenness of all creation is still a problem…….."
Response: I thought Paul said that “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.”

c) Anon says “my own decision to consecrate myself will never be perfect.
I read once that there are four parts to me
the part known to all
the part known to me and not to others
the part known to others and not to me
the part that is unknown except to God

My understanding of my heart is inadequate and in that sense my decision to consecrate myself will never be perfect. I might be naïve but I simply come to God on a daily basis and lay what I know and what I don’t know about myself on the altar. It’s not a worthy offering in itself but is acceptable because of Jesus’ blood. But just as in the OT the offering on the altar was consumed by fire so I believe through faith is the offering of my life. My offering is not only accepted but transformed through the fire of the Holy Spirit. And because we are in New Covenant times it is a living sacrifice that God can use.

And where the growing in holiness takes place is in the Holy Spirit being at work within to enable me to be honest about the parts known to me and not to others, to receive help from others about the stuff known to them and not to me. The Holy Spirit also reveals in his time and in his way what is hidden to all but God. Then as I am fond of quoting, "my consecration must keep pace with God's revelation." (William Booth)
All still goes on the altar for the fire to consume and use.

God bless



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