Old Wells

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Prison Visitors

I travelled to Ethiopia with three others, all from Northallerton. Leading the trip was Rev. Kingsley Armstrong, who is the president of International Gospel Outreach. Kingsley travels all over the world as an evangelist and also supports people in mission in places such as Ghana, Uganda, Pakistan, the Ivory Coast and Guatamala. Becky is a fellow prison chaplain in Northallerton YOI and Ally, a staff nurse is a prison visitor.

During our week long stay we visited 5 prisons, where we preached, talked to prisoners, prayed with them and reviewed practical needs which can be met by our fund raising. We visited men and women. I loved it. God is at work in the prisons in Ethiopia. There is a hunger for the gospel and many are getting saved. A pattern emerged as we got to each prison. We would be met by the chaplain, who would take us to see the Commander of the prison. They were usually delighted to see us as Prison Fellowship have done so much to improve conditions. Then we would be taken to a pre- arranged service in the chapel where we would each introduce ourselves and share a word from the Bible, the ladies would sing and then Kingsley would preach.

Our interpreter was Israel, a lovely Christian who works for PF. He has a lovely wife called Blane and a son called, Hallelujah!

Please would you pray for the following. One evening I was praying about what I would share the next day in the prison and I felt strongly that I should speak about God hearing us and us hearing God and that there would be someone there who needed physical healing for their ears.
I was somewhat nervous the next day about sharing this as there were only 15 prisoners in the service due to the timing of our visit clashing with the distribution of free meat. If there were 100 or more in the service the chances of someone having a hearing problem were higher but in 15? Anyway I decided to risk sharing what I thought God was saying and immediately a prisoner put his hand up, came forward and I prayed for him. I have now idea if he was healed as we had to leave before I had a chance to speak to him.

On another occasion again as I was preparing what I would say I sensed God telling me there would be someone in the crowd who was fighting God. I spotted him during Kingsleys sermon. He didn't respond with the other 15 who got saved that day so I called him out afterwards and shared what I felt God was saying about him. He listened and let me pray for him but that is all. Please pray for this lad. I believe God has his hand on him to be a leader.
I was hoping to do a blog every day next week but I forgot I am away at SA Cell Church Conference from tomorrow so I'll have wait to share my Ethiopia stuff until I get back.

God bless



  • using this tonight in our Evening Service .... Andrew & Tracy are on holiday in Scotland for a week ..... so I'm taking tonight's meeting ..... This will form part of our prayer worship tonight .... It'll give the Corps folk some idea of the work you've been involved in

    God Bless

    By Blogger petros, at 7:56 AM  

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