We demonstrate the sacrificial love of Christ
This is the 6th Value of the SA Cell based church and with it come the following non-negotiables.
- discipleship is also servant-hood
- love is expressed in action
- we must act justly and fight injustice
- we minister to the whole person
I know that all the above is true but it is much easier to discuss than to do.
I also think that as Salvationists we experience some dangers taht some other Christians don't. Whilst a lot of people in the world have long ceased expecting the church to meet need, they still expect the Salvation Army to do so and assume that we do. Very often that assumption is correct. However there is a danger that the recognition of our sevant-hood can lead to pride; we have to be careful that we do not become judegmental of others and that we don't veer towards a social gospel.
However I have another concern as well. More and more we are payng people to care in the name of the Salvation Army. We swell with pride when the army is on TV and is being praised for its good work but how much does the average, individual Salvationist get involved in the social action?
If someone needs a bed for the night we usually ring the hostel, if a family needs food we go down to the hall to the food store, if an addict is rattling we desperately seek a programme to get them on to. None of that is inherently wrong and often it is the most appropriate action is specialist help from our social services but I have a niggling feeling that we too easily pass people on.
If we are really being honest most individual Salvationists, including me are not any more involved in meeting the needs of the marginalised than any other church goer.
'Where there's need, there's the Salvation Army' but where are the Salvationists?
Sorry that was all a bit of a rant and I really don't want be a moan pot. So tomorrow I think I will do a blog about Salvationists I know who do live by this value.
God bless
This is the 6th Value of the SA Cell based church and with it come the following non-negotiables.
- discipleship is also servant-hood
- love is expressed in action
- we must act justly and fight injustice
- we minister to the whole person
I know that all the above is true but it is much easier to discuss than to do.
I also think that as Salvationists we experience some dangers taht some other Christians don't. Whilst a lot of people in the world have long ceased expecting the church to meet need, they still expect the Salvation Army to do so and assume that we do. Very often that assumption is correct. However there is a danger that the recognition of our sevant-hood can lead to pride; we have to be careful that we do not become judegmental of others and that we don't veer towards a social gospel.
However I have another concern as well. More and more we are payng people to care in the name of the Salvation Army. We swell with pride when the army is on TV and is being praised for its good work but how much does the average, individual Salvationist get involved in the social action?
If someone needs a bed for the night we usually ring the hostel, if a family needs food we go down to the hall to the food store, if an addict is rattling we desperately seek a programme to get them on to. None of that is inherently wrong and often it is the most appropriate action is specialist help from our social services but I have a niggling feeling that we too easily pass people on.
If we are really being honest most individual Salvationists, including me are not any more involved in meeting the needs of the marginalised than any other church goer.
'Where there's need, there's the Salvation Army' but where are the Salvationists?
Sorry that was all a bit of a rant and I really don't want be a moan pot. So tomorrow I think I will do a blog about Salvationists I know who do live by this value.
God bless
This is challenging stuff Carol and very honest. Maybe the , 'SA' , in 'Sardis' stands for Salvation Army (I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.)
Ultimately, whether we want to or not we will have to get back to Railton's almost Fransisican Salvationism. Missionaries on the move embracing poverty and disentangled from all forms of worldly humanitarianism.
Keep on blessing me!!
Andrew Bale, at 11:19 AM
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