Old Wells

Friday, February 17, 2006


We met a guy Alan has contacted through his Town Centre Chaplaincy minsitry in Tesco's at lunch time. He told us about some of his clients who he had met for the first time the previous evening. They had been so open, so trusting, accepting and welcoming that his visit to their home had given him a real lift. It was so refreshing and he reflected that he found it quite hard to trust people. But I felt quite privileged that he had so freely shared his feelings so trustingly.

Minutes earlier I had been next door in the prison. My companions for the morning had forgotten long ago what it was to trust anybody, particularly themselves even though the oldest was only 20. Yet they want to, long to find someone who will not let them down and will help them to stop letting down the people who care about. Each week we try to keep our promises, avoid becoming cynical and hardened because they abuse our trust so often and tell them about a Jesus who they can depend upon. After lunch on one of the wings I am faced with the decision of whether to believe the story I am being told or whether I have to conclude I am being manipulated to get a privileged move. He got the benefit of the doubt.

I would be true for there are those who trust me
I would be pure for there are those who care
I would be strong for there is much to suffer
I would be brave for there is much to dare

I would be friend to all- the foe the friendless
I would be giving and forget the gift
I would be humbel for I know my weakness
I would look up and laugh and love and lift.


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