Old Wells

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Every member growing spiritually

By this we mean that we are not interested in just filling seats on a Sunday morning, or satisfied with ticking boxes on decision cards.
We long to see people committed to living for Christ, with a desire to change, set free and becoming like Jesus.

The following things are therefore non-negotiable
- we want discipleship rather than nominal membership
- there is a personal accountability before God for our response to him
- we believe holiness is possible and essential
- we must submit to the authority of the Bible for life choices and lifestyle
- we need to develop in our understanding of the word of God
- we are characterised by the spiritual disciplines of prayer, giving, sacrifice and
simplicityof lifestyle

As I typed the last sentence a white van pulled up outside the house and a delivery man came to the door with a large box in his arms, addressed to Mr and Mrs Young. I must admit to opening it with a degree of curiosity as I was unaware that we had sent away for anything. I was even more intrigued when I discovered that it had come from our bank as an apology for an error they had made in the handling of our account. The box said that contents were fragile, and the polystyrene box suggested the contents may be glass or china. A nice vase perhaps, glasses or an expensive ornament? I'm getting quite excited now. I like presents. Forget giving, sacrifice and simplicty of lifestyle, what's in the box for me?

I open the lid to find................. two bottles of flipping wine!

Well serve me right. Sorry Lord I took my eyes off the ball for a moment.

So come on somebody, what's the God honouring thing to do with the wine?


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