Old Wells

Friday, December 22, 2006

21st December

Risen for our justification

"We also need to know Christ as risen for our justification. He arose and lives to procure our certain acquittal, or our complete pardon and acceptance witn God. We need to know that he lives and is our justification to break the bondage of legal motives and to slay all selfish fear , to break and destroy the power of temptation from this source." Finney

22nd December

Man of sorrows

"The clear apprehension of Christ as being made sorrowful for us and as bending under sorrows and griefs which in justice belonged to us tends at once to render sin unspeakably odious and Christ infinitely precious to our souls. We need to have Christ revealed to us so as to completely ravish and engross our affections that we would sooner die at once than sin against him, Is such a thing impossible? No it is not. Is not the Holy Spirit able and willing and ready thus to reveal him upon condition of our asking in faith? Surely he is." Finney


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