Old Wells

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

At the end of the day

I feel a bit like the Ronnie Barker character on Open All Hours. At the very end of the programme he starts to close up the shop and reflects upon what kind of day it has been.

Well for me it's been a mixture of the mundane,chewing over stuff and front line battle. Before I got up I read a bit about the disagreement between Railton and Booth, just so I know what I'm talking about in a debate with Andrew Bale!

I mused over my muesli (sorry that sounds silly) about the whole issue of defining when a person becomes a Christian. There is quite rightly a recognition that people go through a process towards acceptance of salvation but I am concerned that we are losing the idea that there is a decision to be made, a definite experience to claim. We've already seemed to have lost that idea in terms of holiness. Are we going the same way with salvation? I've got to crystalise my thoughts on the subject.

Then I sorted out piles of washing and did some housework. Not inspiring but necessary. However by the pathway of duty flows the river of God's grace! There is an article in the Salvationist this week about that song which I didn't entirely agree with. I need to read it again.

I spent some time in prayer and in John 7, which is my Bible Reading at the moment. I read this comment on the passage in an old Soldiers Armoury

"It is the business of the Christian to present Christ to the world and to make it plain that he has a rightful claim upon men's lives. No amount of "do gooding" should be allowed to be a substitute for this."

Amen to that!

Later it was a Lent Lunch held in the URC to raise money for Christian Aid. Great soup but I also had a conversation about an unpopular guy in our town who is notorious for his manipulative behaviour to get money and who has a multitude of problems. There is a sense of helplessness in the churches about what we should do to help him.
Whatever is decided Alan is convicted that he must take hold of Booth's creed of "going for souls and going for the worst" and actively engage in trying to win him for Christ.

This afternoon I did a stint in the prison, where it seemed everything conspired against us being able to perform our ministry. The enemy is prowling about like a lion ready to pounce. Nevertheless we managed to get some evangelical literature into the hands of a lad who is really seeking, did our statutory duties and ran a group for lads who for one reason or another are stressed out. God is good and we shall win!

Tonight was cell group (and I had better be careful what I say as the cell group members have confessed that they have been reading my blog!) It was a good night and we indentified the people whom we want to reach for the Kingdom and bring into our
Corps. Then we prayed for them and committed ourselves to pray for them and the cell group daily.

Not a bad way to end the day at all.

Good night



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