Old Wells

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hearing God

To be honest we have been through a time of uncertainty and questioning about whether our original vision for Northallerton was from God, given some of the stuff that was happening or not happening here.

There are many times when God has spoken very clearly into my life and times when he has graciously used me to communicate prophetically into the lives of others. This was not one of those times!! Despite regularly bending God's ear (if that is possible) it seemed that he was not going to give me a "word" on the situation so that I could know what to do and what to fight for.

Instead my times in his word always seemed to lead to verses that focussed on his character and that is all. And of course that is more than enough. That is all I really needed.
So for example I was able to write in my prayer diary, "Read Psalm 89 Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. It is a rock in a sea of uncertainty."

I have also re-discovered the truth that one of the ways of God is to take you to the wire, to what seems like the last possible moment before he steps in, speaks and provides. The story of Abraham laying Isaac, the child of promise on the altar of sacrifice has been very real to us.

I would also want to say we are very humbled and thankful for the mature and godly way our people are responding to some big challenges. They are all stars.

God bless



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