Old Wells

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Following a fantastic but tiring Roots we decided to take a days furlough today and ended up doing one of my favourite things, visitng the second hand Christian bookshop in York.

One of the books I bought was called Firebrand and it is about a Methodist preacher whom I was once priviledged to meet when I was a child. He was called Herbert Silverwood and was indeed a firebrand, full of a Holy Spirit joy and as interested in us children as in the adults. I was so pleased to find the book about the life and mission of this man who had inspired my Dad as a young Methodist and me too. I was thrilled to also find a picture in it of my Uncle Charles who knew him well and went on mission with him.

Anyway there were some good quotes that I thought were worth repeating.

"Herbert always thought that the open door is the clearest sign of God's will for the Christian."

"When you are not quite sure where you stand, it is not likely that you will- that was Herbert's view."

"An army that remains in the trenches is doomed to defeat."

"God is always the same, only our attitudes and carelessness prevent revival."

"Sometimes the tide goes out so far you think it's never coming back. Well evangelism is like that. Interest goes out to such an extent that you wonder if anything can save the situation. Then the Holy Spirit turns the tide. Hallelujah!

Watch out for more quotes from me. I bought 6 more books at the bookshop, (all for £11.50) so that will keep me quiet for at least a week.

God bless



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